Mixing, Mardling and Making
Dereham Men’s Shed is a community space for men to connect, converse and create. It’s a place where men can meet for a casual chat over a hot drink make friends, share skills and experiences. It’s a friendly place that can help men improve well-being.
About Dereham Men’s Shed
Dereham Men’s Shed is a community group where men can enjoy activities similar to those they might do in a garden shed, only in the company of others. Members can create and learn new skills or simply chat and make new friends over a cuppa.
We are just one of hundreds of similar ‘sheds’ across the UK and abroad. We are community-based organisations where men with “time on their hands” come to meet and take part in fun, practical and social activities in a friendly environment.
Sheds are about having fun, sharing skills and knowledge with like minded people and gaining a renewed sense of purpose and belonging.
Dereham Men’s Shed is based at Dereham Theatre Company’s building on Norwich Street, Dereham. We have a well-equipped workshop for our members to use and we have use of the kitchen where we can chat away to our heart’s content!
In April 2023 we received a grant from Morrison’s Foundation to construct a ramp to help improve access to the building.